full transcript

From the Ted Talk by Stephen Coleman: Non-lethal weapons, a moral hazard?

Unscramble the Blue Letters

I confess, this particular case was one that peiuqd my interest in this. It hpeeapnd while I was working as a research fellow at the US Naval Academy. News reports started coming up about this situation, where this woman was arguing with a police offecir. She wasn't violent. In fact, he was probably six inches taller than me, and she was about this tall. And enteulalvy she said to him, "Well, I'm going to get back in my car." And he says, "If you get back in your car, I'm going to tase you." And she says, "Oh, go ahead. Tase me." And so he does. And it's all captured by the video camera running in the front of the picloe car. So, she's 72. And it's seen that this is the most appropriate way of dlniaeg with her.

Open Cloze

I confess, this particular case was one that ______ my interest in this. It ________ while I was working as a research fellow at the US Naval Academy. News reports started coming up about this situation, where this woman was arguing with a police _______. She wasn't violent. In fact, he was probably six inches taller than me, and she was about this tall. And __________ she said to him, "Well, I'm going to get back in my car." And he says, "If you get back in your car, I'm going to tase you." And she says, "Oh, go ahead. Tase me." And so he does. And it's all captured by the video camera running in the front of the ______ car. So, she's 72. And it's seen that this is the most appropriate way of _______ with her.


  1. happened
  2. officer
  3. police
  4. piqued
  5. eventually
  6. dealing

Original Text

I confess, this particular case was one that piqued my interest in this. It happened while I was working as a research fellow at the US Naval Academy. News reports started coming up about this situation, where this woman was arguing with a police officer. She wasn't violent. In fact, he was probably six inches taller than me, and she was about this tall. And eventually she said to him, "Well, I'm going to get back in my car." And he says, "If you get back in your car, I'm going to tase you." And she says, "Oh, go ahead. Tase me." And so he does. And it's all captured by the video camera running in the front of the police car. So, she's 72. And it's seen that this is the most appropriate way of dealing with her.

Frequently Occurring Word Combinations

ngrams of length 2

collocation frequency
nonlethal weapons 14
military personnel 7
oc spray 7
police officers 6
lethal force 6
nonlethal weapon 3
sending military 2
send robots 2
good idea 2
active denial 2
heat ray 2
pepper spray 2
explicitly introduced 2
people hostage 2
hostage takers 2
threatening position 2
perfect nonlethal 2

ngrams of length 3

collocation frequency
sending military personnel 2
perfect nonlethal weapon 2

Important Words

  1. academy
  2. arguing
  3. camera
  4. captured
  5. car
  6. case
  7. coming
  8. confess
  9. dealing
  10. eventually
  11. fact
  12. fellow
  13. front
  14. happened
  15. inches
  16. interest
  17. naval
  18. news
  19. officer
  20. piqued
  21. police
  22. reports
  23. research
  24. running
  25. situation
  26. started
  27. tall
  28. taller
  29. tase
  30. video
  31. violent
  32. woman
  33. working